A living trust is a legal document that allows you to transition your assets smoothly to beneficiaries upon death by a successor trustee.
Category: Retirement
Retirement Planning
Category: Retirement
Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning For Dummies 2020
In this retirement planning for dummies guide, find out how to save and invest automatically to build your nest egg for a better retirement.

The 7 Deadly Causes Of The Illinois Pension Crisis
The Illinois pension crisis is one of the worst in the country. Find out what has caused it, the possible pension reform, and what you should do if you own municipal bonds or state debt.

How To Make A Will
A will is a legal document that declares your final wishes. It coordinates the distribution of your assets after death.

What is a 401(k)?
A 401(k) is an employer sponsored retirement plan that gives employees tax breaks on invested savings.

What Is An IRA?
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) allow you to grow earnings on invested savings tax-free until your retirement years. But which one should you choose, the traditional IRA that permits tax deductions on contributions or the Roth IRA that has no mandatory …

IRA Withdrawal Rules: Traditional IRA
A traditional IRA allows you to save and invest pre-tax dollars, which can grow tax-deferred until distributions are taken in retirement years.

How Much Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA?
A Roth IRA allows you to contribute after-tax income to a retirement plan account in which earnings grow tax-deferred until distributions are made.

How To Rollover A 401(k) To An IRA Account
The two primary choices you have when leaving a job are to rollover your 401(k) account or to leave it as is and do nothing. A third choice is…