Make Money Archives | Investormint Personal Finance Tools and Insights Mon, 22 Jun 2020 17:12:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Make Money Archives | Investormint 32 32 7 Ways to Make Extra Money Online as a Nurse Mon, 22 Jun 2020 16:12:17 +0000 Ways to make money online as a nurse include creating a nursing course on Udemy, investing with a robo-advisor and creating a nursing blog.

The article 7 Ways to Make Extra Money Online as a Nurse was originally posted on Investormint

Nursing is a demanding profession, where the typical 9 to 5 work schedule is rarely the norm.

Emergencies don’t politely knock on the door, so nurses are always “on call” and have to spend a significant amount of time in hospitals and clinics, even beyond their work schedule or hours.

Those long shift hours and irregular schedules make earning some extra money on the side a tad difficult.

Nevertheless, it is important that nurses pay as much attention to their own financial health as they do to the physical health of the patients they attend.

As a carer, you might be wondering what are the possible ways to make extra money online as a nurse in spite of your hectic and often erratic schedule?

Here are some fast and simple ways to get started…

[#7] Create A Health Course On Udemy

The good news is that if you are a nurse and are looking for ways to earn some extra cash on the side, it is not all that difficult.

Whether you need those extra dollars to clear your student loan or some other debts, we can guide you through a few easy online money-making opportunities.

Here are some of the top online ways for nurses to make decent money in their spare time.

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You can use your experience as a nurse to create an online health business to earn extra cash online. Some of the important things you need to keep in mind to create a successful online course are:

  • Identify your niche where you can help others and make some money as well.
  • Spend some time profiling your target audience so they convert into paying customers.
  • Become a subject matter expert in the niche you wish to teach. You need to possess excellent knowledge of the subject to create course content that will help establish your authority and build a loyal audience for you. Hint: set up a nursing blog!

Develop digital products and services that are in demand and relevant to the healthcare industry.

Content that is desirable and in sync with the needs of your target audience will win you enrollments and add to your bank balance.

Be seen and heard on prominent social media platforms to convert leads. This is the age of social media.

Top bloggers add to their followings by establishing a strong presence on the leading platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to build a strong following and a loyal community.

Once you’re set to go with content, publish on Udemy where an audience already exists and you can capture a percent of every sale!

>> Check Out This Udemy Review

[#6] Invest Your Savings → Roboadvisor


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  • Account Minimum (Betterment Digital): $0
  • Account Minimum (Betterment Premium): $100,000

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Nursing is a rewarding career option with a decent salary. However, earning extra on the side and investing that money to secure your financial future is always a prudent thing to do.

As a nurse, you can potentially increase your financial stability by:

  • Having an emergency savings account and build long-term savings for rainy days and your retirement.
  • Being wise in identifying your investment opportunities.

Credit card debt and student loan debt are major impediments to financial independence and a happy life. Ensure you eliminate your debt as soon as possible.

A good way of ensuring financial stability is to work with a skilled financial planner.

ways to make money online nursing

It is of paramount importance for nurses to put themselves in a position where they can get their money to work as hard as they do.

The best way to go about the business is to make a proper assessment of your current financial condition. It means knowing how much savings you have, debts you owe and credit score among other things.

Once you are aware of where you financially stand, identify your financial goals and then make a well-thought out plan to achieve them.

Or you can simply choose a robo-advisor like Betterment, who will do all the hard work of deciding how best to invest your money for you.

>> Investormint’s Betterment Review 

[#5] Save Money Automatically Using Investment Apps

Nurses have quite a few options at hand when it comes to investing their money.

Financial experts strongly suggest that nurses should contribute to a retirement plan such as a 401k or IRA.

Apart from helping you save on your taxes; you also get a steady payout when you retire.

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  • Management Fee (up to first $5,000): $1 monthly
  • Management Fee (above $5,000): 0.25%
  • Acorns Deal: Free to college students for up to 4 years

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Additionally, there are few highly useful budgeting and investment apps such as Acorns which allows you to invest your “spare change.”

Another popular one is Robinhood, which enables you to invest in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, and cryptocurrency without charging a commission.

Also, experts recommend that you save at least 10% of your income in a separate savings account at a separate bank.

Don’t dip into your savings unless there is an emergency. This emergency fund can help you out during times of financial crisis.

Financial planning are worth striving for, but you should understand that investing in yourself generally has the best payout.

What you achieve through personal care, education, or health is something that pays lifelong dividends.

>> $0 Commission Trading at Robinhood

[#4] Start a Nursing Blog

Do you have a passion for writing? Do you have a specialty? If so, you can try your hand at healthcare writing or blogging and make a few dollars in the process.

Freelance writing allows you to bring in some extra income without you having to leave the comfort of your own home. 

You can choose your own working hours and decide your own writing charges. There are platforms like Upwork and Fiverr where you can upload your profile and land writing gigs.

There are basically two ways you can put your nursing knowledge and writing skills to good use. You can either write for different organizations or you can start your own blog.

There are many organizations which seek the services of healthcare writers to write:

  • Blogs
  • Journals
  • Website content
  • Patient-focused education articles and courses
  • Curriculum

The market for such write-ups, blogs and courses is huge. There are thousands of people interested in topics related to health and well-being.

Giving medical advice to any individual without knowing their circumstances is not recommended and should be avoided, but as a nurse you possess the knowledge, skills and expertise to educate your readers generally on particular topics or specialties.

>> Organic Tampons? Lola Made It A Thing

How To Make Money With A Nursing Blog

On the one hand, you could write a quality nursing blog, optimize it and then generate good traffic to your site which will in turn lead to ad revenue.

There are bloggers who earn a tremendous amount of money by writing relevant content that readers find interesting and informative.

If your blog brings in a lot of readers, you could earn money through affiliate marketing, pay-per-click ads, or start selling your products on the website.

Alternatively, you could write a blog about different companies and products that they manufacture or sell such as stethoscopes, watches, essential oils, workout CDs, exercise equipment, and much more.

Just ensure that you give honest reviews about the products and let your audience know that you are being paid for your reviews.

Stick to your area of specialty, be honest about the products and you are sure to build a strong social following and a passive income stream.

>> Improve Your Health With Artificial Intelligence

[#3] Build A Healthcare App

Healthcare apps have massively grown in popularity in recent years. It should come as no surprise given that healthcare apps have made peoples’ lives better.

From monitoring your health to providing important healthcare information and from diagnosis to helping patients with appointments, medical apps allow people to have the best medical care at their fingertips.

This year will definitely go into the annals of history as the year of the coronavirus pandemic. The contagion has made a huge mark not only in our lives, but also has made a deep splash when it comes to health apps.

As doctors and patients look for new ways to connect from a distance, apps that deal with telemedicine, AI, and remote patient monitoring (RPM) will continue to dominate the space.

And if we look at the healthcare apps today, we see three types of apps basically catering to three audiences: patients, medical personnel, and healthcare administration.

As a nurse, you may be probably interested in developing a health app for patients including:

  • Fitness and wellness
  • Telehealth
  • Women’s health
  • Self-diagnosing
  • Habit tracking
  • Mental health
  • IoT medical products
  • Fitness and wellness
  • Social networking
  • Glucose tracking

A healthcare app that is simple and easy to use and helps people keep a close tab on their health has a good shot at success.

Develop an app that can teach people how to manage their symptoms and see what’s working.

It should allow them to conveniently interact with others and get support from other users.

>> How Much Do Doctors Make A Year?

[#2] Become a Council Member at Gerson Lehrman Group

Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG) Consultations connects its clients with expert consultants in a specific topic, business or industry. GLG works with more than 700,000 professionals across industries, roles, and geographies.

As a professionally qualified nurse, you could possibly put your knowledge, expertise and insights to good use by becoming a council member at GLG.

  • Create a profile by visiting its website and start sharing your knowledge about health and fitness, use of medical devices, medical products, clinical practice procedures, and medications among other related things.

Alternatively, offer your services as a health coach and aid your clients in leading a healthy lifestyle through management and guidance.

You can contribute to the overall well-being of your clients by offering them advice about proper nutrition and exercising, as well as dieting properly.

You can also serve as a first aid course instructor where you would be required to offer knowledge about treating wounds, performing CPR or taking care of people during medical emergencies.

Another option is to offer your services as a medical transcriptionist whereby you convert medical audio files from doctors and other specialists into written documents.

The gist is that GLG is a unique platform that can bring you additional income by connecting you with people who require your services for advanced care.

[#1] Advise Healthcare Startups Using Domain Expertise

The skills you have accumulated over the years as a nurse can help you act as a link between health systems and entrepreneurs in health care.

All of the years of managing communication between physicians and family, quality assurance, critical thinking, time management, performance improvement, multitasking in a challenging environment, customer service and learning how to coordinate care, are the skills valued in management settings.

Nurses possess much needed tools and have the resources to accelerate their careers as well as to bridge that gap between healthcare and the communities they serve by advising healthcare startups.

Nurses can work with entrepreneurs to first identify the problem and then devise solutions that will address that problem in the market.

With your nursing background, and a solid team of other knowledgeable people around, you can offer consulting services that can help a healthcare startup to effectively take care of the unmet needs of the market.

>> How Much Does A Root Canal Cost?

Ways to Make Extra Money Online as a Nurse

Nurses are often caught up in the grueling demands of their profession and miss out on time with their families. They struggle to maintain work-life balance.

Under such circumstances, it can be incredibly tough to strengthen their financial positions by earning extra money through side jobs.

However, nurses can find lots of ways to earn extra money to pay nagging bills. Where there is a will, there is a way, and even with their demanding and unpredictable schedules, nurses can take advantage of numerous money-making gigs that are available.

Whether it is freelance writing, advising healthcare startups, offering consultations or developing their own healthcare apps, nurses can bring positive changes to their finances as well as their lives.

Along with extra income, it is also important to develop money management skills. You need to make your hard-earned money work for you to secure your present as well as your future.

>> 17 Ways To Live Rent Free

>> How To Make Money As A Model

>> How To Make $1,800 Per Month Selling Breast Milk

The article 7 Ways to Make Extra Money Online as a Nurse was originally posted on Investormint

How To Sell Breast Milk For $1,800 Per Month Mon, 17 Jun 2019 02:22:55 +0000 Selling breast milk is often considered taboo in modern society. However, the need for breast milk is real. In fact, studies show that babies absorb and digest breast milk better than they do formulas. That’s because breastmilk promotes healthy gut …

How To Sell Breast Milk For $1,800 Per Month Read More »

The article How To Sell Breast Milk For $1,800 Per Month was originally posted on Investormint

baby bottle breast milk

Selling breast milk is often considered taboo in modern society. However, the need for breast milk is real.

In fact, studies show that babies absorb and digest breast milk better than they do formulas. That’s because breastmilk promotes healthy gut bacteria in infants and contains the digestive enzymes at the levels that infants need to properly digest and absorb food.

But what if you could help mothers out and even sell your breast milk for $1,800 a month?

The option the donate your breast milk has its pros and cons. Here are a few key aspects to consider before you start selling your breastmilk:

Should You Sell Breast Milk?

If you produce more breastmilk than your infant needs and you are healthy, then you may be an ideal candidate to make money selling breast milk.

But it’s vital to understand the benefits and drawbacks of selling your breast milk before plunging into breast milk sales.

healthy babyHere are some important factors to consider:

  • Provide Children with Nutritional Milk. Human milk is inherent with high levels of nutrients that babies need. Also, every year intensive care units require more than 63 million ounces of breast milk. By selling your breastmilk, you’re helping children in need.
  • Earn Extra Income. You can also make extra income from selling your breastmilk online.
  • Help Overwhelmed Mothers. There are mothers who are unable to lactate or have latching issues, which prevent them from ever breastfeeding or even breastfeeding for the recommended timeframe of six months. Not being able to provide a baby with nutritious breastmilk is often overwhelming for mothers who are unable to produce their own milk. You help alleviate these issues when you sell your breast milk.
  • Provide An Alternative to Unpasteurized Milk. Breastmilk banks often dilute human breastmilk. When you sell your breastmilk, you give mothers the option to get pure breastmilk.

While selling your breast milk comes with several advantages, one major drawback is that selling your breast milk online can be time-consuming.

You have to set up meetings with parents who may want to meet in person. Also, regulation and verification most often are left up to the community members.

That means you need to ensure you are following best practices to avoid scams, such as only accepting electronic payments.

You may also need to pay for your own screenings and provide proof to mothers who want to ensure their babies are getting milk void of contaminants or infectious diseases.

Ways to Sell Breast Milk Online

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons about selling your breast milk and find selling your breast milk online is right for you, it’s important to know your options.

Some places that where you can sell your breast milk include:

  • Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global Network. This Facebook community has served as a global network that connects mothers with local families since 2010. Women often post messages advertising the availability of breastmilk on HM4HB.
  • Only the Breast. Only the Breast works as a portal to connect lactating moms with mothers who need breastmilk for their infants. You can place an ad on the site after joining to sell milk online.

How Much Can You Make Selling Breast Milk Online?

The amount of breast milk babies need varies based on their age.

For instance, newborns may need as little as six ounces of breastmilk per day since they may only drink half of an ounce per feeding, which is between eight to 12 times a day.

baby feetHowever, two-week-old babies may need as much as three ounces per feeding for a total of 36 ounces per day. The breastmilk amount may increase as they age with less frequent feeds. For example, six-month-old babies may need as much 30 ounces of milk per day.

Breast milk communities and online platforms often have advertisements ranging between $1 to $2 per ounce on average.

Based on these needs and per-ounce rates, you have the potential to make $2 per ounce or $60 a day. If you do this 30 days, you can earn as much as $1800 a month from selling your breast milk online.

Should You Sell Milk to Milk Banks?

Milk banks offer another option for selling your breast milk.

The Human Milk Banking Association of America (HMBANA) accredited 24 milk banks in the United States, including Mothers’ Milk Bank of Florida and The New York Milk Bank.

However, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of selling to milk banks. One important factor to consider is what actually happens to your breast milk before it’s delivered to infants.

One concern is that milk banks dilute donated breast milk. A Pediatrics study found that cow’s milk accounts for 10 percent of donated breast milk.

Additionally, you typically don’t get paid for breast milk you supply. Instead, any breast milk you give to milk banks are donations or are encouraged as donations.

You’re also on the hook for paying for your own supplies, including the breast pump and bottles. For instance, the Mothers Milk Cooperative does not cover the cost for breast milk storage or breast pumps and pays $1 per ounce only after receiving 150 ounces of eligible breast milk from you once you pass its quality screening.

Breast Milk For Sale: Final Thoughts

Whether you’re exploring selling your breast milk or you’ve made the decision, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages that selling your breast milk online may bring.

Think about whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Consider the platforms you will use to safely communicate and perform transactions and always follow best practices for selling online.

And if you do squirrel away some savings from selling breast milk online, you could invest it smartly with a gender-focused robo-advisor such as Ellevest to grow your wealth.

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  • Ellevest Essential: $1/mo
  • Ellevest Plus: $5/mo
  • Ellevest Executive: $9/mo

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The article How To Sell Breast Milk For $1,800 Per Month was originally posted on Investormint

17 Ways to Live Rent Free Easily Tue, 09 Apr 2019 08:31:27 +0000 How To Live Rent Free: You may have dreamed about living a care-free life where you don’t have to worry about rent or mortgage payments. There are umpteen ways to live free, some more obvious than others. Some people have …

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The article 17 Ways to Live Rent Free Easily was originally posted on Investormint

live rent freeHow To Live Rent Free: You may have dreamed about living a care-free life where you don’t have to worry about rent or mortgage payments.

There are umpteen ways to live free, some more obvious than others. Some people have resorted to living in abandoned homes or cars on private property. Yet, squatting and trespassing are illegal and will win you some hefty fines or jail time.

You have to be creative and do your homework. Whether looking to save more money, pay down debts or stop paying other people for a place to live, you’ll be surprised that there are many legitimate ways to live rent-free.

Find Roommates

One of the most common ways to live rent-free is to have other people live with you and share housing expenses.

Ask your friends and family if they know anyone looking for a place to rent or post a want ad in your local paper or on Craigslist.

If you have several roommates who split the utility bills, often you can pay your rent and have a few extra bucks left over each month.

Be sure to run a background check on potential renters, especially if they’re total strangers.

>> Build Your Credit Paying Rent

List Rooms Online

Like having a roommate, you can set up your home to accommodate vacationers and travelers that visit your area.

You’ll have the flexibility to limit people’s stay to a few days or allow them to stay on longer terms. While you can post ads, a more secure way is to use web-based services like Airbnb and VRBO.

You create an online listing, communicate with ID-verified residents and get paid through the website or app.

If you’ve got the space and own your home, you can partition off sections of the house and allow for private entry. This way you could set up coded-locks and never have to arrange to meet with the renter in person.

Related: Check Your Own Credit >>


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Buy a House and Rent It Out

cottage live rent freeThis rent-free and mortgage-free option is similar to getting a roommate or listing on Airbnb. If you don’t already own a home or condo, this might encourage you to consider buying one.

Many new homebuyers have taken advantage of various mortgage loan programs requiring little to no down payment. These include organizations such as the USDA, the FHA, the VA, Navy Federal Credit Union and others.

If you’re ambitious and want to earn an income, consider purchasing a duplex, fourplex or small apartment. Live in one unit and rent out the others to pay off your mortgage.

>> Related: How To Make Money Renting Your Home

Get a Home for Next to Nothing

If the idea of owning a house and renting it out excites you, but you’re looking for something that’s not going to have you committed to a 15- or 30-year mortgage, then you’re in luck.

There are many cities offering incentives for those willing to buy fixer-uppers to help revive communities.

If city-living is your thing, you can bid on a $1,000 home through the Building Detroit auction program.

Some places are even giving away land like the free home plots in Elwood, Nebraska.

Be warned; you’ll need to have an open mind, be good with your hands, have money for repairs and learn another language for some of these rent-free options.

Run a Campsite

Being a homeowner might not be your thing because you prefer something more mobile. Whether you have a large RV or a small camper, many campsites will let you live rent free.

There’s one concession. You’ll need to help run the campground by checking people in and out, doing maintenance and groundskeeper duties and handling emergencies.

Many seek couples who can split the responsibilities. Some places will pay you a small salary or let you stay in a cabin on the premises.

You can sign up for alerts and find opportunities on websites like Work Kamper.

Live Off-Grid

off the grid live rent freeThose who shun “glamping” and prefer to rough it in the great outdoors might enjoy living off-grid. Now, this isn’t to suggest that you quit money, live in a cave and eat roadkill like Daniel Suelo of Utah.

In most cases, it’s illegal to stay in National Parks, State Parks and private land areas. But, you can camp out for free at many places within 450 million acres of public lands located through the U.S.

The only stipulation is that you’re usually only permitted to stay for 14 days in a National Forest or 21 days at a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) camping area.

So, as long as you keep moving around, you can live rent-free and sleep under the stars.

Couch Surf

Some people don’t like to camp but don’t mind bouncing around from place to place. If that’s you, then you might find being couch surfer to be loads of fun.

This is a great way to meet new people all over the world while always having a place to crash. Where exactly you sleep varies from someone’s couch in the living room to a blowup mattress on the floor to a comfy bed in spare guest room.

Hosts often take it upon themselves to show you around town or share a homemade meal.

Forget about going to tourist traps and explore all of the local hotspots. When using sites like Couch Surfing, be sure to choose places that at least have a few excellent reviews.

>> Are Groupon Getaways Worth It?

Work on a Cruise Ship

cruise ship live rent freeInstead of campsite to campsite or couch to couch, you could go dock to dock. There are all different types of jobs available on cruise ships.

You get free room and board plus a salary to boot. Whether you’re a cook, singer, childcare worker, masseuse, medical professional and so on, you can put your skills to work.

Being a crew member is an easy way to cruise the open seas and travel to exotic places while someone else foots the bill.

Simply go to your preferred cruise ship’s website or check the All Cruise Jobs site for global listings.

Live on a Boat

Working on a cruise ship isn’t for everyone. The quarters are often cramped, you spend months away from friends and family and your social life is limited to other workers.

Another option if you like the idea of being on the water is to live on a sailboat, houseboat or yacht.

In coastal cities, people buy boats but either don’t have time to use them or only live in the area during winter. Rather than let their boats rot away or leave them open to thieves and vandals, boat owners will often look for someone to live aboard.

Check boating classifieds, boat owner forums and local marinas for opportunities to live on a boat for free.

Occasionally, you may find an unwanted or abandoned boat available to own for free.

House Sit

Like boat owners, there are people who don’t want to leave their homes sitting empty for extended time periods.

Hiring a house sitter is common for homeowners who travel a lot for work, are called away to care for a family member out of town or perhaps split their time living at different locations depending on the season.

The options for housesitting are endless and span the globe.

You can stay at someone’s house anywhere from a few days or weeks up to months at a time. Reside in familiar locales, explore places you’ve never been or traverse the globe.

If you plan accordingly, you could housesit in one place and have another one lined-up right after. is one of the largest and most popular websites.

Depending on what you’re looking for there are many job sites that vary in cost and focus on specific regions.

>> How To Get Free Money From The Government

Be a Caregiver

caregiver live rent freeSome housesitting jobs include caring for a pet.

If you’re an animal lover, then you might be more interested in finding live-in pet sitting jobs.

Pet owners who go on vacation or travel for work sometimes can’t take their cat, dog or other “furkid” with them.

You’d be responsible for feeding, walking, grooming, companionship and any other duties required.

Don’t like pets much? You can be a live-in nanny or a live-in elderly caregiver.

Sometimes you can also find a senior citizen or disabled person willing to share their home in exchange for helping around the house.

Participate in Work Exchange Programs

Not everyone wants to be a caregiver. If you’ve got a green thumb, then you’ll be pleased to know that you can do all the planting your heart desires while living rent-free.

Volunteering for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is one of the best ways to do so. You can choose from more than 120 countries and negotiate with the hosts on how long you stay.

While this is just one example, you can find an array of places where you can stay for free while working.

If you’re in another country and want to extend your trip, many hostels will let you work the front desk or other odd jobs in exchange for a bed. It never hurts to ask nicely.

>> Ways To Make Money Online

Manage an Apartment Complex

Helping to run a hostel is a pretty small job but, if you’re up to it, give a live-in apartment manager job a try.

Some individuals or companies that own a small multi-family property will hire a single person to manage it.

You’d typically work weekdays and weekends doing some marketing, showing available apartments and processing resident applications.

In exchange, you’ll be given your own apartment and a nice salary. The only downside is that you’d have to be on-call around the clock to deal with maintenance issues and handle emergency calls.

Join a Commune

Managing a complex might not be your strong suit but if you enjoy living and working in a small community then explore communal living.

There are different types of communes that you can join if you think you’d fit in well with that type of lifestyle.

From free-spirited hippies and student co-ops to ecovillages and religious communities, there’s something for everyone.

They all vary in size, color, shape and location but intentional communities of people all live and work together cooperatively. Some are self-sustainable.

Runaway to the Circus

circus live rent freeOf all the ways to live rent-free, this might seem like the most far-fetched one. Believe it or not, people still run away and join the circus when the typical 9-5 way of life just isn’t cutting it.

Unless you’re a featured performer like a trapeze artist or acrobat, your earnings will be pretty measly.

On the plus side, you’ll always have a place to stay, eat and travel for free.

Some people use skills they’ve already acquired while young like dancing, gymnastics or hula hooping.

Others become a circus performer by going to an actual circus arts training school. Once you’re ready, you can search for circus jobs online at Ringling, Cirque de Soleil and others all over the world.

Live with a Friend

Your best friend could be the go-to place when you need a temporary or long-term living arrangement that’s free.

While this sounds like a fun sleepover, it could quickly turn into a crazy circus. In fact, some friendships have been ruined after living together.

As with any relationship, you’ll each have habits and idiosyncrasies that may seem strange to others.

The key is making sure that you either complement each other or have similar ways of living.

It also helps to keep an open mind. No matter the case, choose a roomie carefully, communicate often, do your fair share of work and don’t eat up all the food.

Move Back in With Parents

As much as you love your parents, the thought of living under their roof again may cause you to cringe.

As a last resort, this might be the only option you have left. Have no shame as more adults are living with parents than living with a spouse or partner.

Unfortunately, generational differences can lead to conflict.

In most cases, all it takes is a little attitude change within yourself to accept the less-than-ideal situation. As they say, “family is everything,” and “life is short.”

Cliché but true.

So, take this time to get to know your aging parents better. Help around the house, be respectful, show appreciation and cherish the moments before it all disappears.

Become best friends and don’t forget to say, “I love you!” or send an occasional love note.

The article 17 Ways to Live Rent Free Easily was originally posted on Investormint

How To Make Money Working As An Art Model Tue, 26 Mar 2019 09:30:50 +0000 If you have always wanted to be a model – or you want an easy way to make a few extra bucks – there’s good news: art teachers all across the country want to hire you. It doesn’t matter if …

How To Make Money Working As An Art Model Read More »

The article How To Make Money Working As An Art Model was originally posted on Investormint

paint colorsIf you have always wanted to be a model – or you want an easy way to make a few extra bucks – there’s good news: art teachers all across the country want to hire you.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a Barbie and Ken physique. Art students are looking for subjects in all shapes and sizes.

Will you have to take your clothes off? Probably. Drawing and painting the nude human figure is one of the most popular – and challenging – skills that students want to develop. But don’t worry, artists are focused on their work, and you can count on them to treat you with professionalism.

To put it another way, experienced models, art instructors, and art students will all tell you that though nude modeling sounds like an erotically charged experience, nothing about it feels intimate or sexual when you are in class. Really.

Here’s what to expect from an art modeling gig – and how to find one in your area.

Day 1 Working As An Art Model

When you land an art modeling job, you will be given the logistical details – where to go, what time to be there, and who to ask for when you arrive.

Try to be early – feeling rushed and missing the chance to approach the experience in a relaxed, calm frame of mind does not bode well for the success of your session.

woman painterTypically, it is easy to identify the instructor when you get there, but if not, just ask. You will be shown to a changing area where you can remove your street clothes and put on your robe.

Most classes handle figure drawing in a similar manner. You pose on a platform, and students sit or stand at easels.

Sometimes, the platform is positioned in front of the room. Other times, the platform is centrally located so that students can set their easels up on all sides to ensure everyone has a clear view.

The platform is carefully lit, usually with relatively bright lights. However, if teachers are focusing on specific shading techniques, there could be areas that are deliberately in shadow.

When it is time to begin, walk to the platform, set your robe aside, and pose as requested by the instructor.

Often, at the beginning of a session, you will be asked to take and hold a series of poses for just a minute or two. This allows students to warm up with practice sketches intended to capture movement.

You will then be asked to take and hold a pose for a longer period of time – perhaps 20 minutes or so. After 20 minutes, you have a break and you can put your robe back on. When the break is over, the instructor will let you know whether to resume the same pose or take a new one.

Do Life Models Get Paid?

Yes, it really is possible to get paid as a nude model. And putting a little extra cash in your pocket isn’t the only benefit of being an art model.

You are also providing a valuable service to the students in the class.

paintbrushes and paintTheir passion for perfecting their craft requires years of practice, but there simply aren’t that many opportunities outside of an educational setting.

As you can imagine, there are many reasons artists don’t ask friends and families to pose. Plus, developing well-rounded skills requires an array of models, including people in every age group, of every ethnicity, and with every body shape.

Perhaps most important of all, many experienced models discover that their self-confidence increases as they continue this work.

Once they are accustomed to disrobing in front of strangers, they find that they feel much better about their bodies in other areas of their lives – clothed or otherwise.

How to Find Art Modeling Jobs

The key to a positive art modeling experience is securing jobs with reputable art education providers. That means ads in your local classifieds are not the best way to go.

You should also skip emails and pop-up that say, “Models Wanted”. At best, these are scams that will cost you money. At worst, you could find yourself in a dangerous situation.

Instead, try any or all of the following:

  • Check out the Art Model Tips and Art Model Book sites for a comprehensive list of facilities that offer figure drawing. These sites offer information on art classes being held around the world, so you can pick up jobs wherever you go.
  • Do a search for art galleries and museums in your area. Check their sites for events and classes, then approach the events director for information on any art modeling jobs they have available.
  • Visit colleges in your area, whether or not they are well-known for their arts programs. Nearly every school, from the biggest universities to the smallest community colleges, has at least a few art classes. That could mean opportunities for you.
  • Look for continuing education programs in your area. Drawing and painting are popular with folks who need a creative outlet after the stress of their day jobs. There may be a central administrative office that you can contact for information about modeling opportunities, but often you must call or email instructors directly.

When you connect with the person in charge of hiring, don’t worry about having extensive experience or qualifications.

All you need is a willingness to sit on the modeling platform for an extended period. Of course, your ability to land future jobs depends on the reputation you develop for professionalism and reliability.

Make sure you are prepared for the class by asking how many students to expect, how long you will be holding poses, what sort of breaks you will have, how much you will be paid, and when you will receive your check.

Stay Safe Working As An Art Model

woman painterStaying safe as an art model is much like staying safe in any other situation – if the location looks or feels out of the ordinary for an art class, leave immediately.

You can minimize the likelihood of getting into a dangerous situation by finding jobs through reputable sources and limiting your services to established education settings.

For example, a quick search of Craigslist and similar classified sites is sure to turn up a number of listings for “Models Wanted”. Many of these are not posts from legitimate art instructors.

If the “class” takes place at a private residence, or you are posing for an individual “artist”, think twice about taking the job.

Once in the classroom, you can count on experienced instructors to ensure that students understand the protocol for working with art models.

However, do not hesitate to set boundaries clearly and assertively if the need arises. After all, you are a model, not a prop.

Inexperienced students may be tempted to try and adjust your pose by touching your arm or your leg. Say loudly and clearly, “Touching is not allowed,” or simply say, “No.”

Finally, many art classes are held outside of regular business hours in galleries, studios, and continuing education settings. If you are traveling to or from a class at night, using public transportation, and/or modeling for a class held in a part of town that doesn’t get a lot of traffic during these hours, take all ordinary precautions for sketchy situations.

Let someone know where you are going and when you will be back. Better yet, take someone along with you for company.

Park in a well-lit area, be alert, and stay aware of your surroundings.

When you leave class, walk out with others.

Get Paid To Get Nude:
Tips and Tricks

One of the biggest issues for beginner art models is finding a pose that you can hold for at least 20 minutes.

Don’t try to get creative until you have spent some time on the modeling platform, and you know what to expect. For example, putting a lot of weight on one leg and not the other or holding your arms up or out might be comfortable for the first 30 seconds, but before long you will start feeling muscle twinges and cramps.

If you aren’t sure what is going to work, practice at home before your first job.

Another common issue often takes new art models by surprise. Sitting on the platform and silently holding a pose leaves you alone with your thoughts for an extended period.

Today’s mobile-centric lifestyle ensures constant stimulation, and it can be unnerving to be up there with literally nothing to do.

Prepare for this in advance by compiling some ideas for keeping your mind busy.

Popular options include creating complex creative stories, meditating, or doing academic acrobatics such as math problems, logic problems, or foreign language practice.

As long as you can keep your thoughts occupied without moving or speaking, you will be fine.

Don’t forget about the practical aspects of posing for an extended period.

Get enough sleep, and fit in time for a light snack and a restroom visit before class begins. Nothing is more uncomfortable than holding a pose while you are tired, hungry, or overdue for a bathroom break.

Finally, if you start to get cold feet before your first job, remember this: art students invest a lot of time and money into these classes, and they are truly focused on improving their skills.

When they look at you, they aren’t seeing a naked body. They are breaking you down into lines and shapes. To the students, you are simply geometry that they want very much to recreate on their canvas.

Ways To Make Money Without Getting Naked!

If earning money as an art model is not your cup of tea, fear not.. there are lots of other ways to make a buck.

Perhaps one of the simplest is to squirrel away some nuts for a rainy day and invest on auto-pilot. Acorns is an investment app designed to help you save when you spend.

Each time you swipe your credit card, Acorns puts a little bit of money into an account and invests it on your behalf.

The amount is so small that you’ll hardly notice it on any given transaction but over time it can really add up to a handsome nest-egg.

acorns investing robo advisor logo

InvestorMint Rating

4.5 out of 5 stars

  • Management Fee (up to first $5,000): $1 monthly
  • Management Fee (above $5,000): 0.25%
  • Acorns Deal: Free to college students for up to 4 years

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The article How To Make Money Working As An Art Model was originally posted on Investormint

Could Selling Aluminum Cans Make You $50 Daily? Fri, 22 Mar 2019 09:34:45 +0000 In the course of any given year, the world manufactures about 200 billion aluminum cans for soda and beer. To most people, these cans cease being useful once they are empty, leading them to be thrown into recycling bins, trash …

Could Selling Aluminum Cans Make You $50 Daily? Read More »

The article Could Selling Aluminum Cans Make You $50 Daily? was originally posted on Investormint

aluminum cansIn the course of any given year, the world manufactures about 200 billion aluminum cans for soda and beer.

To most people, these cans cease being useful once they are empty, leading them to be thrown into recycling bins, trash cans and even onto the sides of roads.

What you may be surprised to learn, though, is that these cans are actually worth money, and collecting them can be a lucrative way to earn some extra income on the side.

Sell Cans For The Aluminum Value

While this method doesn’t yield much of an income unless you can get your hands on a huge number of cans, some states in the U.S. have enacted container deposit laws to make sure residents recycle as much of their waste as possible.

These laws establish a minimum deposit level that retailers charge when selling cans and which can be refunded when a person brings those cans back to a recycling center.

Aside from promoting recycling, container deposit laws can turn collecting cans into a good way to put extra money in your pocket.

But how much money can you really earn?

We’ll show you here:

  • The value of aluminum cans
  • Where you can find them
  • How to source enough to make it worth your while and
  • Whether or not you can add up to $50 a day to your income by gathering up the cans everyone else assumes are worthless

Can You Make a Living Selling Aluminum Cans?

In order to estimate how much you could be making by selling aluminum cans, you first have to know what an individual can is worth.

As recycled metal, the value of a can depends on the scrap value of a pound of aluminum at any given moment. At the time of this writing, the national average price per pound for aluminum cans was $0.35.

At 32 cans to the pound, each can’s scrap value works out to roughly 1.1 cents.

While the numbers from recycling may seem pretty disappointing, there’s still the deposit option to be considered.

States with deposit laws set the value of the deposit at either 5 cents or 10 cents, making cans approximately five to ten times more valuable for their deposits than they are for their metal content.

How To Make $50 Per Day Selling Aluminum Cans

When you break these numbers down, making it to $50 a day is challenging but possible.

Trading cans in for deposits, you would need to collect 500 or 1,000 cans per day, depending on the deposit value in your state.

Recycling is quite a bit harder, requiring over 4,500 cans per day at the current prevailing price.

How To Find Aluminum Cans

The real challenge, of course, is finding all of these cans.

Many of the best places to source your cans are public recreation areas, such as campgrounds, public parks, beaches and well-trafficked fishing spots.

You can also ask permission from your employer to put a recycling bin out for your co-workers to discard their empties.

If you’re just getting started, having your friends and neighbors save cans for you is an easy way to start building up your supply.

120,000 Cans Are Recycled Per Minute

The prospect of coming up with 500 cans a day or more may sound daunting, but it might be easier than you think. For some perspective on just how many are available for you, consider the fact that approximately 120,000 cans are recycled per minute in the United States.

Furthermore, the average American drinks a whopping 45 gallons of soda each year, the equivalent of about 487 cans.

While plastic bottles naturally make up a considerable share of this, the sheer amount of soda consumed in America leaves an ample supply of cans up for grabs.

Can Selling Aluminum Cans Meaningfully Boost Your Income?

With all of this in mind, it’s time to consider how you can collect enough aluminum cans to make a substantial difference to your income. For convenience, the following numbers will assume that you live in a state with a 5-cent deposit law.

Suppose that you can collect an average of 400 cans per day from various public places in your area and another 200 over the course of the week from your workplace.

In 7 days, that equals out to 3,000, or $150. While it’s a way off of the $50 a day mark, it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

Get By With A Little Help From Your Friends

This shortfall is where getting friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to save their cans for you can be helpful.

Offering to take empty cans off of your friends’ hands will help them and allow you to earn a little extra money in the process.

When asking around to find people who will save their cans for you, pay particular attention to people with multiple children, as about half of children age eight and up drink soda once a day.

For teenagers, that number skyrockets, with about 30% of teenage boys drinking at least three cans of soda every day. With these numbers, a family with two or three children is likely to go through several 12-packs of soda each week.

So, what about making a living from selling cans?

Unless you’re planning to spend all of your time finding, collecting, transporting and returning aluminum cans, making a living at it isn’t particularly feasible.

Creating an extra stream of income to pad the earnings from your job, though, is absolutely possible.

Which States and U.S. Territories Have Deposit Laws?

As you can see from the figures above, making it to $50 a day isn’t a very practical goal unless you live in a state that offers a deposit.

At the moment, the following 10 states have these laws on their books:

  • California
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Maine
  • Connecticut
  • New York
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts

Of these states, Michigan and Oregon are the best places to live if you want to make good money from cans, as both of these states offer a 10-cent deposit.

In the remainder, as well as in the U.S. territory of Guam, each aluminum can will yield a 5-cent deposit.

Where Can You Find More Aluminum Cans?

Selling aluminum cans for extra money is very much a numbers game. The more cans you can reliably source per day, the more money you’ll be able to make.

If you really want to increase your revenue, one of the best ways is to make recycling arrangements with the owners of high-traffic local businesses to put bins out on their property for can collection.

campgroundLocations such as stadiums, theaters and other places where people tend to congregate for large events can yield mountains of empty cans, and even smaller businesses like shooting ranges and golf courses can provide a steady flow of them.

So, Can You Really Earn $50 Per Day Selling Aluminum Cans?

Absolutely, provided you can find enough cans on a regular basis. Unfortunately, you almost have to live in a state with a deposit law in order to turn can collecting into a profitable enterprise.

If you do live in one of these states, though, earning an extra $50 or more a day is an altogether achievable goal.

It’s also worth noting that aluminum cans aren’t the only containers that you can return for deposits. In Maine, for example, wine and liquor bottles with capacities of over 50 milliliters can be returned for a 15-cent deposit, while Michigan law provides for 10-cent deposits on a wide range of carbonated and alcoholic beverage bottles made from glass or plastic.

growing coinsWhile these other types of containers aren’t common enough to target on their own, you’ll likely find enough of them while collecting cans to increase your earnings a bit.

One of the best things about making money from aluminum can deposits is the fact that it gives you an extra source of investment capital.

By taking the money you make from collecting cans and transferring it to your Stash, Betterment or Robinhood account, you can gradually build up a large pool of capital that can yield returns year after year.

Extra money earned on the side also presents you with a chance to explore new investment opportunities, such as commercial real estate REITs.


InvestorMint Rating

5 out of 5 stars

  • Promo: Up to 1 Year Free Management
  • Management Fee: 0.25% - 0.40%
  • Account Minimum (Betterment Digital): $0
  • Account Minimum (Betterment Premium): $100,000

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The article Could Selling Aluminum Cans Make You $50 Daily? was originally posted on Investormint
